If you’re a parent going through a divorce, the battle for child custody might be the most stressful experience that you will ever endure. The best way to win a child custody battle is to be well prepared for the hearing. To help you out, our experienced divorce attorney in West Palm Beach has compiled a list of factors that the court will consider during the child custody hearing.

5 Major Factors That Determine Child Custody

  1. The Better Parent Standard

It’s important to note, that what make one parent ‘better’ than the other in the eyes of the court doesn’t necessarily align with your thoughts and opinions.

  1. Communication Between the Parents

The court will look at your ability to get along with your child’s other parent and willingness to help your child maintain a healthy relationship with the other parent and their extended family.

  1. Documentation

Both parents have the chance to share any relevant documentation to the court. These documents can pertain to a wide-range of issues.

  1. Proper Court Etiquette

Courts typically consider each parent’s appearance, attitude, and demeanor during the hearing, make sure that you look and act the part.

  1. The Child’s Best Interests

Ultimately, the court determines who wins the custody battle based on the best interests of your child, not what’s most convenient for the parents.

If you are facing a divorce and custody battle, make sure that you are fully prepared and have the best legal representation by contacting Palm Beach Law. Our divorce attorney in West Palm Beach will fight for your rights and ensure your case receives the personalized attention that you deserve. Call our legal team today!

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